Academic Institutional Research Services

Are you an academician with a lot of numbers to run, but not enough time to do it? Let us help you maximize your institution’s research.

  • Student, Group, Cohort or Program Research

    Are student research groups part of the curriculum of your academic program? Do your students have big research ideas, but not sure how to bring it together during the methodology and analysis phases? If you have student groups, program cohorts, or even entire programs that need one time data analysis services or analysis services on retainer, let us serve your academic analysis needs.

  • Forecasting Program Admissions

    Looking for analyses that will help you take the data you collect for admissions and turn them into statistically derived forecasts of your admissions? Looking to explore which factors about your applicants and marketing efforts draw the most admissions attention? We utilize ARIMA, Prophet and Machine Learning analyses to help you look into the admissions crystal ball so your institution can act with its best foot forward.

  • Student Focused Institutional Analysis

    Looking to predict and minimize the factors attributed to student dropout in your programs? Looking to add data-driven mechanisms to your student advising strategies to improve retention and act more quickly on student needs? Allow us to provide predictive modeling analytics and intuitive methodology to your processes to improve the outcomes of your students.

Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in Precision Analytics for Health Science! If you have a quick question or want to know more about how we can best serve you, please fill out your information below. Please allow at least one business day for a response, but we will get back to you as fast as possible to answer whatever may be on your mind.

If you have a complex problem - or would rather chat face to face - please click on the “Book Now” button above for a free consultation!