Health Science Publication Services
Your hard work deserves to be put in front of professionals, patients, and academics all over the world.
Open the File Drawer
Are you an academician or graduated doctorate student with big dreams and a file drawer full of finished studies? We can turn those high hopes into publishable works, including reducing those giant raw manuscripts into journal articles, reanalysis your data with the most efficacious analyses, and choosing the best journal for your study so you get your work into the world.
Journal Reviewers Giving You Problems?
Does difficult reviewer feedback about your scientific writing, data analysis or clinical implications have your research tied up in publication limbo? No matter your experience level, let my experience as a journal reviewer help you demystify their feedback and get your paper across the finish line.
Presentation More Your Style?
Looking to get your work in front of a state, national or international audience of practitioners? Let our expertise enable to you to submit your presentation, present your research, discuss your outcomes and answer difficult audience questions with confidence. We’ll help you from application, to presentation content and data visualization, to anticipating and answering the most challenging of questions about your work.
Contact Us
Thank you for your interest in Precision Analytics for Health Science! If you have a quick question or want to know more about how we can best serve you, please fill out your information below. Please allow at least one business day for a response, but we will get back to you as fast as possible to answer whatever may be on your mind.
If you have a complex problem - or would rather chat face to face - please click on the “Book Now” button above for a free consultation!