Qualitative Data Analysis Services

Interview, Code, Theme, Integrate & Converge

  • Qualitative Research Support

    Gathering quality qualitative data is crucial for valuable insights. We offer expert help in designing and conducting interviews, focus groups, and surveys to ensure your data is reliable and meets your research goals. We also help with qualitative research methodology, including assisting with recruitment, qualitative interview and survey tool development, and qualitative trustworthiness strategies.

  • Qualitative & Mixed Methods Designs

    Our services include creating interview guides, training researchers in data collection, aiding in participant recruitment, and ensuring ethical standards are met. We also provide consultation on how to integrate modern and effect qualitative processes into quantitative research, including those found in convergent parallel, explanatory sequential, exploratory sequential, embedded, transformative and multiphase mixed methods designs.

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If you have a complex problem - or would rather chat face to face - please click on the “Book Now” button above for a free consultation!